GSatTrack How to Series: Creating KML Files to Import


This isn't GSatTrack itself, but Scott wants you to know how to make a KML file on another platform that will allow you to bring in all of the data you actually want to import to GSatTrack via the KML uploader.


GSatTrack How to Series: Timed Check-ins


Scott shows us how to set up an Alert that will inform managers if lone workers don't check in at a pre-determined time. This is just one of a number of features in the portal that helps provide safety and peace of mind for lone workers on remote jobsites.


GSatTrack How to Series: User Menu

User Menu

In this short video, Scott shows us the user menu, which plays host to the preferences and the all-important Log Out button.


Growth Through Innovation Series: Types and Sources of Innovation

GTIS Header
Series Overview

This article is the second in a series about decoding the black boxes of innovation and incubation. Each article in the series is intended to be a self-contained unit, so please bookmark the first article in this series, so that you can find any piece you wish to see at any time.

The Language of...

